Does Drinking Affect Your Sleep Quality?

The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used to assess sleep quality and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale was used to assess daytime somnolence. Stepwise multiple regression analyses were used to examine predictors of each subscale score on the PSQI, as well as PSQI and ESS total scores. Results indicated that individuals who reported having a diagnosis of anxiety and insomnia were more likely to have poorer sleep quality outcomes overall. Furthermore, individuals who reported habitually napping had higher daytime dysfunction, increased sleep disturbances, and increased daytime sleepiness. These results provide novel insights into the demographic and lifestyle factors that influence sleep quality and daytime somnolence in autistic adults and can be used for targeted sleep interventions. We believe that it would be meaningful to conduct further studies on female subjects to compare the sleep quality between hazardous drinkers or patients with alcohol use disorder and moderate drinkers or persons who do not drink at all. In addition, further studies are recommended focused on the correlation between alcohol consumption and sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome, both of which were found to be significant in the present study.

OSA is associated with impaired performance on a driving simulator as well as with an increased rate of motor vehicle crashes in the absence of alcohol consumption . Among patients with severe OSA, alcohol Sober companion consumption at a rate of two or more drinks per day is associated with a fivefold increased risk for fatigue-related traffic crashes compared with OSA patients who consume little or no alcohol .

alcohol and sleep quality

That said, not all sleep problems are so easily treated and could signify the presence of a sleep disorder such as apnea, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, or another clinical sleep problem. If your sleep difficulties don’t improve through Transitional living good sleep hygiene, you may want to consult your physician or a sleep specialist. Exercise helps promote restful sleep if it is done several hours before you go to bed. Natural light keeps your internal clock on a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

Even if it doesn’t present as a full-fledged hangover, alcohol-related sleep loss negatively affects mood and performance. Alcohol can lead to excessive relaxation of the muscles in the head, neck, and throat, which may interfere with normal breathing during sleep. The liver acts as a filtering system for the body, helping metabolize food and chemicals , and pulling toxins from the bloodstream.

Ironically, if the person in recovery returns to heavy drinking, their slow-wave sleep will increase and their nighttime wakefulness will decrease, at least initially. This mistaken impression that alcohol consumption improves sleep is Transitional living a major reason that many people with an alcohol use disorder relapse. Research has linked the combination of sleep apnea, snoring, and alcohol consumption with an increased risk of heart attack, arrhythmia, stroke, and sudden death.

At medical school, it was easy to realize that sleep is crucial while studying during the many sleepless nights I spent. As a new mom, when the lack of sleep became even more evident, this was the real moment when I started appreciating the benefits of a good night’s sleep. Since sleeping is so essential to our health and immune system, I took it upon myself to educate people on different aspects of sleep by sharing the valuable information I have learned. Alcohol is found to have a more significant disruptive effect on sleep in women than in men, especially concerning the feeling of fatigue the next day due to lack of sleep. However, none of these results mean that we can’t drink a glass of wine or beer after work or at dinner. Alcohol also disrupts your natural sleep pattern — your circadian rhythm — and blocks REM sleep, which is your most restorative time of sleep. Without it, you’ll have a hard time focusing and will feel groggy the next day.

For many people who drink moderately, falling asleep more quickly may seem like an advantage of a nightly glass of wine. The gut and its microbiome are often referred to as the body’s second brain, and operate under powerful circadian rhythm activity. The circadian disruption that can result from alcohol consumption contributes to leaky gut syndrome, according to research. Circadian rhythms thrown out of sync can weaken the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, making it more vulnerable to permeation—that’s the leakiness that allows bacteria, toxins, and food to leave the intestines and enter the bloodstream. But part of a smart, sleep-friendly lifestyle is managing alcohol consumption so it doesn’t disrupt your sleep and circadian rhythms.

At the same time, alpha wave patterns were also heightened, which doesn’t happen during normal sleep. Alpha activity tends to occur when the brain is awake but quietly resting, in metabolic break mode. Having both delta and alpha activity together therefore leads to disrupted sleep, since the alpha functions tend to offset any restorative efforts the brain neurons are trying to squeeze in. The stimulating effects of nicotine and caffeine take hours to wear off and can wreak havoc on quality sleep.

The resulting episode of interrupted breathing (i.e., apnea) wakens the person, who then resumes breathing and returns to sleep. Recurring episodes of apnea followed by arousal can occur hundreds of times each night, significantly reducing sleep time and resulting in daytime sleepiness. Those with alcoholism appear to be at increased risk for sleep apnea, especially if they snore . In addition, moderate to high doses of alcohol consumed in the evening can lead to narrowing of the air passage , causing episodes of apnea even in persons who do not otherwise exhibit symptoms of OSA. Alcohol’s general depressant effects can increase the duration of periods of apnea, worsening any preexisting OSA . Abstract Use and abuse of alcohol is extremely common in many countries.

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This apparent improvement in sleep continuity may promote relapse by contributing to the mistaken impression that alcohol consumption improves sleep (23-25). Nevertheless, as drinking continues, sleep patterns again become disrupted . Alcoholic beverages are often consumed in the late afternoon (e.g., at “happy hour” or with dinner) without further consumption before bedtime. Studies show that a moderate dose1 of alcohol consumed as much as 6 hours before bedtime can increase wakefulness during the second half of sleep. By the time this effect occurs, the dose of alcohol consumed earlier has already been eliminated from the body, suggesting a relatively long-lasting change in the body’s mechanisms of sleep regulation .

alcohol and sleep quality

Furthermore, in some studies, the discontinuation of nightly alcohol administration resulted in a REM sleep rebound–that is, an increase in REM sleep beyond basal levels . One study found an increased sleep time at a low alcohol dose (i.e., 0.16 g/kg) but detected no such effect at higher alcohol doses (i.e., 0.32 and 0.64 g/kg) .

The Pathophysiology Behind Sleep And Alcohol Interactions

If you’ve experienced that drowsy feeling after enjoying a glass of wine or a pint of beer, you may have also considered drinking a glass of your favorite chardonnay or IPA to help you fall asleep at night. If you still have trouble sleeping after implementing these suggestions, talk to your doctor. They may recommend other lifestyle changes, therapies, or medications that can improve your sleep quality. Following a consistent sleep schedule trains your brain to recognize when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake. Thus, glutamate is an important element in wakefulness and activation. Numerous biochemical and studies have found that alcohol inhibits NMDA-receptor function, thereby acting as a glutamate antagonist (e.g., Tabakoff and Hoffman 1996). Consequently, alcohol inhibition of NMDA function may be another mechanism through which alcohol derives its sedative effects.

Alcoholism treatment also can be complicated by sleep problems during withdrawal and during subsequent behavioral treatment, where sleeping problems experienced by many recovering alcoholics may increase their risk for relapse. Before discussing alcohol’s effects on sleep, it is helpful to summarize some basic features of normal sleep. A person goes through two alternating states of sleep, characterized in part by different types of brain electrical activity (i.e., brain waves). These states are called slow wave sleep , because in this type of sleep the brain waves are very slow, and rapid eye movement sleep, in which the eyes undergo rapid movements although the person remains asleep. Men with higher AUDIT-KR scores tended to suffer from poor sleep quality. AUDIT-KR scores showed significant correlations with subjective sleep quality, sleep duration, and sleep disturbances in men.

alcohol and sleep quality

Although alcohol may help bring on sleep, after a few hours it acts as a stimulant, increasing the number of awakenings and generally decreasing the quality of sleep later in the night. It is therefore best to limit alcohol consumption to one to two drinks per day, or less, and to avoid drinking within three hours of bedtime. While most people know alcohol and sleep quality from experience that having a drink before hitting the sack can help you feel drowsy, Nicholas and his team were interested in learning how the brain physiologically reacts to the alcohol while you’re sleeping. They had 24 young adults ages 18 to 21 to spend several nights at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences Sleep Laboratory.

How Long To Wait Between Drinking Alcohol And Bedtime

Buysse DJ, Angst J, Gamma A, Ajdacic V, Eich D, Rossler W. Prevalence, course, and comorbidity of insomnia and depression in young adults. Roth T, Roehrs T, Zorick F, Conway W. Pharmacological effects of sedative-hypnotics, narcotic analgesics, and alcohol during sleep. Niroomand F, Hauer O, Tiefenbacher CP, Katus HA, Kuebler W. Influence of alcohol consumption on restenosis rate after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and stent implantation. Some guides and articles feature links to other relevant Sleep Foundation pages. These internal links are intended to improve ease of navigation across the site, and are never used as original sources for scientific data or information. Drinking in moderation is generally considered safe but every individual reacts differently to alcohol.

alcohol and sleep quality

Sleep duration did not vary as a function of within-person variation in alcohol use. All available research delivers a more complex picture of how alcohol affects sleep and how it can also affect health in general. In all studies, it became clear that alcohol increases deep sleep in the first half of the night.

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Thus, it appears unlikely that the alcohol-related suppression of REM sleep is mediated by alcohol’s effects on the acetylcholine system. These neurotransmitters are released by the signal-emitting neuron and generally exert their actions by interacting with certain molecules (i.e., receptors) located on the surface of the signal-receiving neuron.

  • Well, it’s because alcohol can have a delaying effect on the other main system involved in sleep – thecircadian rhythm.
  • You may also experienceparasomniaswhich are disruptive sleep disorders that occur in specific stages of sleep or in sleep-wake transitions.
  • In addition to GABA and the glutamate-NMDA system, another agent that only recently has been considered a candidate for mediating alcohol’s sleep effects is adenosine.
  • Stop watching television and using your phone or computer for at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Stepwise multiple regression analyses were used to examine predictors of each subscale score on the PSQI, as well as PSQI and ESS total scores.
  • Laboratory studies of alcohol and mood have identified some interesting relations between daytime sleepiness-alertness and drinking.

To review the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of insomnia in adults. Systematic review to identify and summarize previously published quantitative reviews (meta-analyses) of behavioral and pharmacologic treatments for insomnia.

This second-half disruption of sleep continuity is generally interpreted as a “rebound effect” once alcohol has been completely metabolized and eliminated from the body. This effect results from the body’s adjustment to the presence of alcohol during the first half of the sleep period in an effort to maintain a normal sleep pattern.

What Alcohol Actually Does To Your Sleep Cycles

Alcohol consumed at bedtime, after an initial stimulating effect, may decrease the time required to fall asleep. Because of alcohol’s sedating effect, many people with insomnia consume alcohol to promote sleep. However, alcohol consumed within an hour of bedtime appears to disrupt the second half of the sleep period . The subject may sleep fitfully during the second half of sleep, awakening from dreams and returning to sleep with difficulty. With continued consumption just before bedtime, alcohol’s sleep-inducing effect may decrease, while its disruptive effects continue or increase . The elderly are at particular risk, because they achieve higher levels of alcohol in the blood and brain than do younger persons after consuming an equivalent dose. Bedtime alcohol consumption among older persons may lead to unsteadiness if walking is attempted during the night, with increased risk of falls and injuries .