Pro Forma Financial Statements And Financial Projections Sample

proforma balance sheet

Each of the line items can be changed to create different scenarios. For example, QuickBooks sales might be presented as 15% higher , 5% higher , 20% lower .

We’ll do one month of your bookkeeping and prepare a set of financial statements for you to keep. Your projected cash flow can give you a few bookkeeping different insights. If it’s negative, it means you won’t have enough cash on-hand to run your business, according to your current trajectory.

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts.

proforma balance sheet

We’re going to use a percent of sales forecast to keep everything straightforward. Start with an income statement from your most recent fiscal year and identify which items you will adjust for the projection. In this case, think of pro forma statements like dipping your toe in the water before diving into a pool.

Standard accounting statements like the balance sheet look at historical financial information, but pro forma documents look forward to help you predict future income through different types of accounting statements. A business’ pro forma statement may include projected revenue, estimated expenses, and cash flow for three to five years. There are three main pro forma financial statements that businesses prepare. These are the pro forma income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement.

Pro Forma Balance Sheet

In this case, the entrepreneur would create pro forma projections of the various financial statements and present them to the investors. Since pro forma financial statements and financial projections are quite similar, they may be considered synonymous. However, financial projections can be built from nothing for a startup company, using specific industry-specific assumptions. By contrast, pro forma financial statements are based on current financial statements and change based on events and assumptions.

proforma balance sheet

As a vital part of the planning process, pro forma statements can help minimize the risks associated with starting and running a new business. They can also help convince lenders and investors to provide financing for a start-up firm. But pro forma statements must be based upon objective and reliable information in order to create an accurate projection of a small business’s profits and financial needs for its first year and beyond. After preparing initial pro forma statements and getting the business off the ground, the small business owner should update the projections monthly and annually. This guide will assess the impact of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) on pro forma financial statements.

Use the usual suspects – assets, total liabilities, owner’s equity – to complete the balance sheet. Keep in mind that because we used a sales-driven projection, other variables like operating expenses, depreciation & amortization, and interest expense were unaffected by our pro forma adjustments. This won’t necessarily be the case in a real-world application. Even though cash is typically the first line item on the balance sheet, we don’t handle it first.

Financial Modeling Based On Pro Forma Projections

But these accounting tools can provide you peace of mind in knowing that a financial move is likely to pay off over time. Pro forma financial statements are essentially “what-if” generators, giving you the ability to play through different hypothetical scenarios and explore their potential impact on your business. Any cash flows from financing activities should be adjusted against the net profit before taxation figure. These may include cash inflows from receipt of equity or debt finance or outflows for payment of long-term debt obligations. Pro forma financial statements can be used to estimate future sales and budgets.

proforma balance sheet

If we have previous financial statements, we can get this percentage by dividing receivables and revenue from the same period. To create a forecast for receivables, all we need to do is multiply revenue by some percentage. This percentage represents the size of accounts receivable relative to revenues at a given point in time.

It’s essentially a form of A/B testing for strategic planning. Find out more about pro forma statements, starting with our pro forma financial statement definition, right here. Any cash flows from operating activities should be adjusted against the net profit before taxation figure. These may include changes in current assets and current liabilities balances such as debtor balances, inventory balances, and creditor balances. Once a percentage is determined, it should be applied to both the revenues and cost of goods sold of the business in its last income statement. By doing this, the business will ensure that a consistent rate is applied to all the variable expenses.

Pro Forma Statements

This type of pro forma projection takes into account all of your financials for the year up until the present time, then adds projected outcomes for the remainder of the year. That can help you show investors or partners what business finances could look like by the end of the year. It’s illegal for publicly traded companies to mislead investors with pro forma financial results that do not use the most conservative possible estimates of revenue and expense. Total assets must balance the total liabilities plus owners’ equity. In Bright Lawn’s case, we already know that the total pro forma assets total $483,000. Pro forma total assets are determined by adding up the pro forma total current assets and the pro forma total long-term assets; in this case, it is $483,000. This chart of accounts will make up the pro forma statement for a 3 to 5 year period.

  • Lenders and investors will require such statements to structure or confirm compliance with debt covenants such as debt service reserve coverage and debt to equity ratios.
  • Pro formas can reveal the company’s capacity to absorb a worst-case situation and be able to continue operating.
  • Next, you should create a production schedule that will allow you to achieve this goal and map it across the time period.
  • According to the SEC, for public companies, a pro forma balance sheet should have the same dates, plus one year from the last submitted balance sheet.
  • Companies may also design pro forma statements to assess the potential earnings value of a proposed business change, such as an acquisition or a merger.
  • Whatever you’re using them for, just make sure that you’re organized, detailed, and accurate throughout.

For example, businesses may be required to report any effects of changes in the accounting policies of the business using pro forma financial statements. Some businesses such as public listed companies may be assets = liabilities + equity required by legislation or standards to prepare pro forma financial statements. For example, the business might prepare pro forma financial statements to see the impact of possible litigation on the business.

Keep in mind, it is illegal to use pro forma financials to mislead investors. Next, identify any adjustments to your current assets/liabilities that may vary depending on the sales variance that you’ve used in your projection. The presumptions used for the preparation of these financial statements must be consistently applied to all financial statements. These models can be used to estimate the income and costs of a business or a project that the business is undertaking. Once standards are established, these financial statements can be used to monitor and control actual performance according to the set standards. Any presumptions made in the preparation of these financial statements must be disclosed clearly. This way, retained earnings will continue to grow based on future net profit.

Balance sheet analysis is process of understanding the risk and profitability of a firm through analysis of reported financial information. So if you want to become a smarter entrepreneur and start and build a successful business, you’ll want to start streaming the courses on BusinessTown today. BusinessTown courses will show you how to start your business right and grow it into a highly successful enterprise. Marketing, ideas, financing, planning, naming, how to get started… BusinessTown covers everything you need to start and run your business right. Most of my businesses I started with less than $2,000 – including one business that I sold for $40 million dollars.

Furthermore, pro forma financial statements can be used as a reporting tool to the stakeholders of the company, for instance, the owner, potential investors, creditors, etc. Once initial pro forma financial statements are prepared, they must constantly be updated from time to time to reflect the most accurate information. The business preparing the pro forma financial statements make some presumptions and prepare projected financial statements based on those presumptions. Also, it’s important to remember that the Securities and Exchange Commission, AICPA, and FASB have specific guidelines regarding the form, content, and necessity of pro forma financials under particular circumstances. Therefore, whatever prompts the need for pro forma statements, you must be sure to adhere to any mandatory guidelines.

Pro Forma Financial Statements And Regulation

Pro formas can reveal the company’s capacity to absorb a worst-case situation and be able to continue operating. As businesses grow, they often need to secure additional funding.

Most specifically, the SEC has found that pro forma statements, which are not required to follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles , may give a false impression of the company’s actual financial status. For proforma balance sheet this reason, SEC requires that all pro forma statements be accompanied with forms that do conform to GAAP, the company required to select those versions of formal statements most closely resembling the pro forma.

How To Prepare Pro Forma Financial Statements Step By Step?

If so, they may issue pro forma financial statements that include the corrections they believe are necessary to provide a better view of the business. The Securities and Exchange Commission takes a dim view of this kind of adjusted reporting, and has issued regulations about it in their Regulation G.

Used to show company results to investors, pro forma financial statements are often combined with generally accepted accounting principles adjusted statements. Pro forma financial statements are not computed using GAAP and are often called non-GAAP. GAAP-adjusted statements are uniform financial statements guided by rules of the Financial Accounting Standard Board . They differ from pro forma statements in that they are not projections, but rather historical reports — therefore, they do not consider things like litigation costs, restructuring charges, and other one-time items. Pro forma statements should also set forth conventional financial statements of the acquiring company, and pro forma financial statements of the business to be acquired. Notes to the pro forma statements explain the adjustments reflected in the statements. Subchapter S corporations exercise the tax-option of the shareholders to individually assume the tax liability rather than have it assumed by the corporation as a whole.

Pro Forma Statements Vs Gaap Statements: Whats The Difference?

This determines property, plant, and equipment on the balance sheet. There are other stable variables that aren’t influenced by sales on the income statement, including operating expenses, depreciation and amortization, and interest expense. The COGS figure does directly vary with sales; if it does not, something is wrong with your numbers. The COGS forecast is the COGS/Sales ratio from several years multiplied by the sales forecast.

For these purposes, pro forma statements are typically created as a part of a financial forecast in financial accounting. Big corporations who have in-house accountants use pro forma statements for financial modeling different scenarios. ” Financial statements should be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable. Reported assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses are directly related to an organization’s financial position. Using pro forma templates can save you valuable time when creating your own pro forma income statements. However, like any template, you need to adjust it to suit your needs.

That’s what makes pro formas so powerful and, to that point, why we’re going to spend the next few minutes discussing their applications and how to create them. The last thing we need to do is add up our current and fixed assets to get total assets, which is the line we need to match with total liabilities and equity. The balance sheet will project changes in your business accounts over time.

GAAP-conforming financial statements must be included with pro forma submissions. Pro forma earnings per share are calculated by dividing a firm’s net income by its weighted shares outstanding, plus any new shares issued due to an acquisition. This metric determines the financial outcomes of any acquisition or merger and tells the parent company whether the transaction will be accretive or dilutive to the financial state of the company. Pro forma EPS are calculated in the pro forma income statement, but the figure is also used in the pro forma balance sheet and the pro forma cash flow statement, when necessary. According to the SEC, when the dividends from stock exceed or are planned to exceed the current earnings, the EPS must be calculated.

As a slight aside, for more in-depth insights on pro forma adjustments, as well as some handy best practices and examples, we urge you to look at our Ultimate Guide to Pro Forma Statements. For these walk-throughs, however, we’re assuming you’ve already looked over the different events and scenarios that can prompt pro forma adjustments.